Starting 2014 with a Bang!

Things have been very busy here at AAWA Technical Headquarters since mid-December. We’ve all been trying desperately to keep up with AAWA projects, our own websites and personal activities, and still find some time to enjoy the holidays with our families. It’s too bad that there are not 48 hours in a day, but then we’d all be so tired we’d sleep half of it away from sheer exhaustion.

AAWAke! for January

Our Newsletter team released the January 2014 issue of AAWAke! just prior to the New Year. It’s been available here at since New Year’s Eve, but due to my emergency backlog of other projects, I had to push the actual announcement out just a bit. Please accept my apologies.

This newsletter is another great issue. Steph Le Gardener penned the introductory article about current and planned projects by the Writing and Newsletter teams. She’s urging any of our readers who would like to volunteer to please do so – as we have projects coming up that will need a range of skills and mental energy.

Isabella Botticelli provides a well-written essay on how former Jehovah’s Witnesses have handled the “blood doctrine” in their own lives after leaving. She reports that many ex-Witnesses have admitted that deciding to donate blood was a critical step for them. For some became a major turning point in their new lives.

Jeni Lundblum-Valdez wrote an informative bio about AAWA supporter Brenda Lee, author of Out of the Cocoon. Many of us know her amazing story, but this article provides more insight about Brenda and her goals. Ms. Lee and her book “pioneered” the publication of memoirs that deftly uncover many negative qualities of Watchtower practices and policies.

The January AAWAke! also includes a parody article by Keith Walker about the Watchtower’s necktie policies. You’ll also find a poem by “Toledo Squad” that very adeptly describes in just twelve verses most of the mental and personal issues that someone who has left the JWs might have looking back at their relationship with the Watchtower. I’m sure you’ll enjoy both well-written bits of amazing creativity.

And there is more…

You find the January issue on our Newsletter page or you can load your own PDF copy.


Starting 2014 with a Bang! — 3 Comments

  1. John , I’m going to write an article on the jwstruggle blog about the understanding that JWs have , and what the Bible says , about disfellowshipping . While it is true , that there were reasons in the 1st century for the congregations to be in support of a limited shunning practice , the Jehovah’s Witnesses have gone way beyond what is written on the subject .

    One way in which they have gone “beyond the things that are written” ( 1Cor. 4:6 ; 2 John 9 ) is the Watchtower’s mistreatment of its own members and those who have made the choice to leave.

    On the “blood issue” , the decision in Jerusalem was only made to abstain from blood so as not to stumble Jews who thought that it was improper . But Jesus said that it was not what goes into a man’s mouth that defiles him , but rather what can come out of it . Taking blood is clearly a conscience decision for Christians .

    I believe , that eventually , even JWs will see the real truth on these things . We just need to keep telling what is true .

    Thank you for this new discussion . It starts 2014 out “with a bang” !

    bro dan

  2. Hi just wanted to say a big thank you to all in AAWA for the work you are doing thank you for your time in setting up this paper I think it’s going to be of great comfort to thoses who feel they can do nothing to stop the jws from destroying familys, and its a great way of bringing us all together. Thanks again for your time in doing this jan xxx

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