AAWA Cooperates with UK, Eire Pedophile Database


AAWA cooperates with UK and Eire Pedophile Database to expose Jehovah’s Witnesses failing child protection policies

May 31, 2014

On May 31, 2014 AAWA announced that it would fully cooperate with the UK and Eire Pedophile database to draw attention to the distress of child abuse survivors.

The UK national newspaper The Sun reported on Thursday May 30, 2014 in a two page spread that Eunice Spry, 70, a Jehovah’s Witness who mentally and physically abused her three  children for two decades, will be released from custody in July. She is attempting to be housed in close proximity to the three abuse survivors.

Victoria, tied up naked for 3 months and forced to drink urine and eat rat excrement, has revealed her identity so that attention will be drawn to the possible relocation of her convicted adoptive mother into the next county near her residence.

Eunice Spry was originally jailed for 14 years in 2007 (lowered to 12 years on appeal) after being convicted of 26 charges of child abuse against her two foster children and an adopted daughter.[foot]http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/child-abuser-eunice-spry-release-location-ban.html[/foot] The unrepentant Spry has shown no remorse for her crimes and refuses to admit she carried out the heinous acts.

Spry is suspected of paying released prisoners to search for addresses on the outside. While the three siblings are no longer scared of their evil “mother,” they fear she will eventually track them down.

The UK and Eire Pedophile database[foot]http://ukpaedos-exposed.com[/foot] and AAWA volunteers moved quickly to expose this situation. A petition campaign has been mounted requiring 20,000 signatures. [Link to petition page]

“We must help Victoria Ruth, Alloma Lesley Gilbert and Christopher Spry, so they do not have to encounter this woman who should have loved and protected them,” said Julia Douglas, an AAWA support team volunteer.

Along with a link to the petition, AAWA supporters are spreading this information using Facebook and other social media resources.

“We have to stop Eunice Spry. Please take two minutes and sign this petition. Former JW and sadistic child abuser, Eunice Spry, must NOT be released from prison and housed within close proximity to her three victims,” Ms. Douglas added.

As a Jehovah’s Witness, Spry will be accepted back into any congregation and able to attend Kingdom Halls where innocent children and parents will be unaware of her crimes. She will also be free to preach to the public from door to door.

The UK and Eire Pedophile database has documented numerous child molestation reports (as well as the Spry case) involving extreme physical and mental abuse by Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses continues to refuse to make a public statement or to address their failing child protection policies.

AAWA is an organization committed to raising awareness of these continuing human rights abuses. AAWA’s leadership team has extended an open offer to the leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses to meet and discuss ways their organization can remedy these distressing issues. So far, AAWA’s offer has gone unanswered.

More Information Links:

Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses (AAWA)

Background: AAWA is a religiously neutral organization, a not-for-profit corporation with 260 volunteers from over twenty countries committed to objectively and respectfully raise awareness and to help victims of abusive Watchtower (Jehovah’s Witness) policies. URL: https://www.aawa.co

Press & Media Contact: Sue Hall at Media@aawa.co
Download PDF of this Press Release


AAWA Cooperates with UK, Eire Pedophile Database — 1 Comment

  1. Good article, good news!! We need change! Our children must be protected from nonsenses whatever price it will cost!

    I told elders that as far the war against to protect my son from Watchtower’s “undue influence”, I will use all my energy and they did not understand it.

    I told them I will never imitate Jehovah and let my child carry the cross or stake (depending on what you believe) and die on it by following the Watchtower. I will instead die instead of my child, the contrary of what Jehovah did letting his BELOVED son die without help!!!

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