Watchtower & Scientology: Masters at Hypnotic Techniques

Watchtower and Scientology have much in common, especially when it comes to unduly influencing new recruits and their current members. But very little attention has been given to how both groups use hypnotic techniques to create and manage personality changes. To learn …

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London Workshop – Un-doing Undue Influence – Steve Hassan

Steve Hassan

While writing this article I was faced with a major challenge: How would I pack all of the important information that was covered in a two-day workshop that enabled change and healing into just a few paragraphs on a web page? …

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International experts meet in London to discuss “UNDUE INFLUENCE” of extremist groups


A group of international experts will come together in London on the weekend of August 22-24, 2014 to address some of the major concerns relating to the undue influence of extremist groups and cults. Scientology, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Islamic extremists are …

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