A Resource: Therapy for ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses

I realize that it’s just a book, but I suspect readers will develop a very comfortable relationship with Bonnie Zieman during the course of their read. She is an exceptional writer who has actually been there, done that, and even heard “that” a hundred times. And, if someone is being shunned and shamed as an ex- Jehovah’s Witness (no matter how many years they’ve been out), as they read Bonnie’s …Healing Handbook they will thoroughly enjoy Bonnie’s presence, acceptance, and positive regard for others.

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Watchtower and Blood: Ever Changing

Those of us who have followed the subject and watched the Blood Doctrine morph over the years, realize that the Watchtower’s leaders are making it up as they go along. The sad thing for us to consider is that many Jehovah’s Witnesses who died because they followed the Watchtower’s guidelines – even relatively recently – would be alive today if the current rules were effective when they had to make their fateful decision. InFrenchButton-2

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