Pedophile Warning Flyer Available in Spanish

AAWA’s very popular “Who is knocking at your door?” single page handout is now available in Spanish on our Flyers and Handouts page. A quick link is listed under Publications in our header menu.

Jose Perez, one of our valued multilingual volunteers, was kind enough to translate for us and arrange to make it available in PDF format.

If you want a text or Word document version of the flyer, please contact and he will arrange to get you the version you need.

"Who is knocking..." flyer en espanol - [Click to view or download]

“Who is knocking…” flyer en espanol – [Click to view or download]

This particular flyer should be widely circulated as both the public and local media should find it very informative because it is so timely – and necessary.

Many Spanish language Kingdom Halls in North America have had more than their fair share of exposed pedophiles within their congregations. Recently three different arrests involved Spanish-speaking elders and ministerial servants just in southern California – while another unpleasant case was taking place in New Mexico.

This is a scandal that continues to grow – and the Watchtower refuses to take any aggressive action to rid the growing problem of pedophilia and abuse from their organization. Distributing flyers like this one is a way that we can spread the word and try to force their hand – or at least get them to admit (like the Catholic Church) that they actually do have a situation that is out of control.

“But the flyers cost too much to print out,” or
“I don’t have the time to email them to everyone…”

Suggestion: You can easily send a single email to several of your friends and correspondents at one time with one click of your Enter key. Address an email to yourself, attach the PDF document, and then use the BCC: function to send copies to your other contacts. [Do not use the CC: option!] Be sure to include one or two of short paragraphs that clearly describe in your own words what is in the PDF and why you are sending it to them. That way they will know it is actually from you and that you are not sending them an attachment with a virus or link to spam site.

While you are doing that remember that the “pedophile problem” is a worldwide issue and extends beyond well beyond our disagreements with the Watchtower Society in New York. Don’t forget to email this flyer to your friends in Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, the Philippines, and of course Spain and other European countries. This is especially effective if you are also somewhat fluent in the language and write your message that way. Email is cheap and very effective when directed to specific persons who may get enthused and want to copy, print and distribute some copies themselves.

You can use this exact process for our English version of this same flyer – and for all of our other handouts as well. Pedophiles who are not only protected by Kingdom Hall elders, but also encouraged to engage in door-to-door preaching, become a real risk to the public at large. For that reason – and to force the issue of identifying known and even convicted criminals attending Kingdom Halls – this is one issue that we must make every effort to get the word out. Including a flyer in your occasional emails to friends and family can be a low-key (and yet especially effective) way to get the word out.

We know that pedophiles and sexual abusers are found in every language and ethnic group – not just those speaking English and Spanish. For that reason, we hope to have more language translations of this very important flyer available within the next few months.

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