Contributed by: Ruben Ortiz “An apostate walks into Bethel…” Nope – that is not a joke. During his recent visit to the United States on March 21, 2014, Bo Juel Jensen brazenly walked into the Watchtower’s headquarters in Brooklyn Heights, New …
Monthly Archives: March 2014

AAWA’s very popular “Who is knocking at your door?” single page handout is now available in Spanish on our Flyers and Handouts page. A quick link is listed under Publications in our header menu. Jose Perez, one of our valued multilingual …

Contributed by: Louise Goode It was not the kind of decision that the Watchtower Society expected, as successfully justifying its crimes to members and courtrooms is almost taken for granted by the leaders of this high-control religious group. But that’s …

Contributed by: Sue Hall I was recently reminded of the damaging effect of Watchtower misinformation about women, and how and why many Jehovah’s Witness women do the things they do. My reminder occurred whilst reading a blog in which a …

Contributed by: Jeni Lundblom–Valdez In a few weeks, it will be twelve years since I cut ties with the Watchtower. After committing the defiant act of standing up for myself and not accepting the elder’s advice, I became “a problem” …